Simulation of SiC radiation detector degradation
Huang Hai-Li1, 2, Tang Xiao-Yan1, 2, †, Guo Hui1, 2, Zhang Yi-Men1, 2, Wang Yu-Tian1, 2, Zhang Yu-Ming1, 2
School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
Key Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China


† Corresponding author. E-mail:

Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0400400).


Simulation on the degradation of 4H-SiC Schottky detector was carried out using ISE TCAD, and the limit of the drift-diffusion analytical model was discussed. Two independent defect levels, rather than a pair of specific carrier lifetime, were induced to describe Z1/2 defects in simulation to calculate the charge collection efficiency versus bias voltage. Comparison between our calculation and the reported experimental results shows that an acceptable agreement was achieved, proving the feasibility of regarding Z1/2 defect as two individual defect levels. Such a treatment can simplify the simulation and may help to further investigate the detector degradation.

1. Introduction

Silicon carbide (SiC) as the third generation semiconductor has many outstanding properties, such as wide bandgap, high critical electric field strength, large carrier saturation velocity, high thermal conductivity, and good radiation resistance, which make it suitable for radiation detectors working in high temperature and high radiation conditions.[1,2] SiC based radiation detectors are presently being developed for applications in the energetic particle detection, such as α, β, x-ray, and neutron, which would deteriorate the performance of devices.[35]

To quantitatively characterize the degradation of a detector, minority carrier lifetime, defect concentration, and effective doping concentration (Neff) are commonly extracted before and after irradiation. But either trap induction rate or doping compensation rate varies with the type and energy of the incident particle, and the defect affecting the minority carrier lifetime, namely Z1/2 defect, is not a single energy level defect,[68] leaves it a challenge to predict the degradation of carrier lifetime, thus the degradation of a detector. Quinn et al. investigated detector degradation by using defect models in MEDICI simulations. A relative simple Z1/2 model including single energy defect level with one cross-section was investigated without providing the comparison between simulation and experimental results.

In this paper, detector performance is simulated by ISE-TCAD, comparing with the degradation results reported in Ref.[9]. A different approach inducing Z1/2 defect as two individual defect energy levels, instead of modifying carrier lifetime of SiC, is adopted in our simulation. Acceptable agreement is achieved by comparing the simulated charge collection efficiency (CCE) with the reported one. It shows that the presented model to deal with Z1/2 defect is applicable for degradation analysis. Based on the approach mentioned above, this work focuses on building a scheme to further predict the degradation of detector performance during its operation.

2. Minority carrier lifetime and defect concentration

In Ref. [9], the doping compensation and carrier lifetime reduction were considered as the main factors that lead to the degradation. Neff was calculated through CV measurement and carrier lifetime was extracted from the variation of CCE with bias voltage. Theoretical CCE versus bias voltage is typically obtained by drift-diffusion analytical expression[10,11]

where Nn,p is the total amount of generated electron–hole pairs (e–h), xd is the depletion layer width at a bias voltage, Rdep is the penetration depth of ions, Gx is the e–h generation profile, and Lp is the hole diffusion length.

As Lp is a function of hole lifetime (τp), CCE is a function of τp if the working condition of the device and the incident particle are given. A constant value of τp is given by the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) theorem[12]

where Nt is the defect concentration and ap is the hole capture coefficient. But such a τp could only be an equivalent value, because equation (2) is subjected to a precondition that the equilibrium electron density, which is approximate to net doping concentration Nd, is much larger than the excess hole density δp.

Figure 1 shows the simulation result of a 2 MeV α particle perpendicular incidence into a SiC schottky detector at a bias voltage of −10 V. The integrated charge of such a current pulse reaches 90% of its maximum at time 3.22 ns after the bombardment. The profiles of electron density and hole density at different moments after the bombardment are plotted in Fig. 1(b). Obviously, the condition of Ndδp is not satisfied even if 4 ns has passed.

Fig. 1. Incidence of a 2 MeV α particle into a –10 V biased SiC Schottky detector at 1 ns: (a) pulse current and integrated output charge, (b) electron and hole density along the trajectory at different moments.

In addition, for the condition δnδpNd, namely the high injection condition, the recombination rate R could be written as

where τn is defined as the electron lifetime, and given as
an is the electron capture coefficient of the defect level.

Thus, it is improper to use the extracted τp from Eq. (1) in TCAD simulation, and τn also has an effect on the CCE calculation, which will be discussed later.

Considering the fact that a decreasing τp results from an increasing Nt, which is the concentration of Z1/2 defect in this case, it is preferred to induce defect levels when calculating current pulses. It should be noted that, Nt can be obtained neither from Eq. (2) nor from Eq. (3) using a τp extracted from Eq. (1).

3. Setting parameters

A schematic cross-section of detectors reported in Ref. [9] is shown in Fig. 2. Values of Neff, Schottky barrier height φb, and ideal factor n before and after radiation are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 2. Schematic cross-section of detectors reported in Ref. [9].
Table 1.

Detector parameters before and after irradiation reported in Ref. [9].


To find out Nt in the electron irradiated device, energy deposition in a 390 μm thick SiC layer by 8.2 MeV electron is carried out by CASINO 2.4. As shown in Fig. 3, the distribution of energy deposition is uniform, and nearly 99% of the transmitted electrons remain at an energy of 7.95 MeV. Thus, a dose of 40 Mrad is equivalent to a fluence of 1.33 ×1015 cm−2. As the Z1/2 defect introduction rate of 8.2 MeV electron is 0.44–0.57 cm−1 reported in Ref. [13], Nt is obtained as 5.89 – 7.63 ×1014 cm−3.

Fig. 3. Simulation result from CASINO 2.4. Vertical incidence of 8.2 MeV electrons into a 390 μm SiC layer. (a) Energy of the transmitted electrons. (b) Profile of energy deposition in SiC.

A defect introduction rate of 24 GeV protons has never been reported. Considering that both a 24 GeV proton and 8.2 MeV electron will pass through a 390 μm thick SiC layer easily, and τp extracted for the proton irradiated (9.37 ×1013 cm−2) device is 3.3 ns and is almost the same as that of the 40 Mrad electron irradiated device. Thus, it may be assumed that Nt of the proton irradiated device is approximate to that of the electron irradiated device, and both Nt are evenly distributed.

The Z1/2 defect can trap two electrons and thus has three charge states, i.e., empty (Z+), singly occupied (Z0), and doubly occupied (Z) states. Figure 4 shows the schematic of free carrier capture and emission at Z1/2 defect. Transitions between Z and Z0 and between Z0 and Z+ are measured as an acceptor state at Ec – 0.65 eV and a donor state at Ec – 0.4 eV, respectively; σn1(σn2) and σp1(σp2) stand for the electron and hole capture cross sections of the acceptor (donor) state. Parameters of Z1/2 are listed in Table 2, including the defect energy levels, charge states, and carrier capture cross-sections.

Fig. 4. Schematic of carrier capture and emission at the Z1/2 defect.
Table 2.

Parameters of Z1/2 defect at 300 K from Ref. [8].


Although the donor level and the acceptor level interact with each other, they can be treated as two independent levels and both two-interacted-levels model and two-independent-levels model will lead to the same carrier lifetime if the following conditions are satisfied:[14]

where δE is the gap between the donor state and acceptor state, and equals 0.25 eV in our case;k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Only the condition of σp1/σp2 ≫ 1 is not well satisfied. Thus, we may induce the two-independent-levels model in our simulation.

In addition, CCE is considered as 1 when unirradiated SiC Schottky detectors are biased −1000 V. In this case, the thickness of the depletion layer reaches 22 μm. As the penetration depth is about 18 μm for a 5.486 MeV α particle in SiC, the excited e–h pairs by the injected high energy particles are completely laid in the space charge region.

4. Simulation results and discussion

CCE versus applied voltage was calculated based on several basic parameter models, such as (i) SRH and Auger recombination models, (ii) high field saturation and carrier–carrier scattering mobility models, and (iii) trap models.[15] CCEsim and CCEexp hereafter stand for the calculated CCE and the reported experimental CCE in Ref. [9], respectively.

In addition, except for the case which would add no trap and modify the carrier lifetime directly, τn and τp are set as 0.6 μs and 0.3 μs respectively to ensure the agreement between CCEsim and CCEexp for diodes before irradiation (see Fig. 9, Nt = 0).

4.1. CCE calculated with specific τn and τp

Figure 5 shows the effect of τn on CCE when τp remains a same value of 3 ns as Ref. [9]; CCE decreases with decreasing τn for a fixed applied voltage. As can be seen from this figure, CCEsim well agrees with CCEexp only if τn is equal to or smaller than 1 ns.

Fig. 5. Comparison between CCEexp and CCEsim obtained with different τn. (a) CCEsim for 2.0 MeV α particle, (b) CCEsim for 4.14 MeV α particle, (c) CCEsim for 5.48 MeV α particle, (d) CCEsim when τn = 1 ns and τp = 3 ns.
4.2. Proton irradiated detector

Considering that the defect density in the proton irradiated device is assumed to have the same value as that in the 40 Mrad electron irradiated device, Nt in the proton irradiated detector can be taken as 5.89– 7.63 ×1014 cm−3. Thus, three values of Nt (5.89 × 1014 cm−3, 6.76 ×1014 cm−3, and 7.63 × 1014 cm−3) were adopted to find out the optimum Nt value. To make a comparison, an additional Nt = 4.2 × 1014 cm−3, refered to τp = 3 ns as calculated from Eq. (2), was also adopted. The results are plotted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Comparison between CCEexp and CCEsim obtained with different Nt for proton irradiated detector. (a) CCEsim for 2.0 MeV α particle, (b) CCEsim for 4.14 MeV α particle, (c) CCEsim for 5.48 MeV α particle, (d) CCEsim when Nt = 7.63 × 1014 cm−3.

Among these four Nt values, CCE obtained with Nt = 7.63 × 1014 cm−3 shows the best agreement. In case of 2 MeV α particles, CCEsim is almost the same as CCEexp. For the 5.48 MeV α particles irradiation case, CCEsim is similar to CCEexp, a small difference of about 0.04 is observed. CCEsim of 4.14 MeV α shows a relative poor agreement compared with the other two cases, especially for the voltage between 100 V and 150 V. As reported in Ref. [9], their simulation result had a similar trend. It is suggested that the 4.14 MeV α particles might actually have their own uncertainty of energies when they reached the surface of the detector, as such energy was obtained by decelerating the 241Am α-radiation in air.

An Nt larger than 7.63 × 1014 cm−3 was also simulated (Fig. 7(a)) to find if there is a better alternative. Root-mean-square deviation (R.M.S) was calculated to compare the similarity between the simulation and experimental results (Fig. 7(b)). According to R.M.S, Nt = 7.63 × 1014 cm−3 could be the best value for our simulation.

Fig. 7. Quantification of the similarity between simulation and experimental results. (a) CCEsim with larger Nt compared with CCEexp. (b) R.M.S calculated for α particle with various energies.

In addition, CCEsim was also calculated when only one defect level of Z1/2 was considered. Nt remains 7.63 × 1014 cm−3 for such simulation and the results are plotted in Fig. 8. CCEsim are obviously larger than CCEexp.

Fig. 8. CCEsim calculated with acceptor/donor level only when Nt = 7.63 ×1014 cm−3.
4.3. Electron irradiated detector

For electron irradiated detectors, a dose of 40 Mrad corresponds to Nt = 7.63 ×1014 cm−3. Assuming a linear relationship between dose and Nt, then 0 rad corresponds to Nt = 0 and 20 Mrad corresponds to Nt = 3.82 × 1014 cm−3.

CCEsim for electron irradiation are shown in Fig. 9, in which three irradiation doses of 0 rad, 20 Mrad, and 40 Mrad are used in the simulation and CCEsim for 0 rad matches CCEexp very well which is set as a reference to find out a proper pair of τn and τp. With the same incidence particle of 4.14 MeV α, CCEsim either for 20 Mrad or 40 Mrad shows a good agreement with CCEexp. In the voltage range from 0 to 120 V, CCEsim is slight larger than CCEexp and in the voltage range from 120 to 200 V, CCEsim is a little less than CCEexp. Except for the reason mentioned in the above section, non-uniform doping in the epilayer might be another reason causing the difference between the calculation and experimental results.

4.4. 60Co γ-ray irradiated detector

As 4H-SiC is classified as a highly radiation hard material for γ-ray,[3] the defect introduction rates of γ-ray to SiC epilayer are also less reported. Here, according to τp extracted in Ref. [9] for different cases of irradiation, Nt for 40 Mrad γ-ray was assumed in the range of 3.82 × 1013 cm−3 to 3.82 × 1014 cm−3, and was finally determined to be 3.82 × 1014 cm−3. CCEsim against biased voltage is shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Comparison between CCEsim and CCEexp for different electron irradiation doses.
Fig. 10. Comparison between CCEsim and CCEexp for different γ irradiation doses.

For 40 Mrad, CCEsim under an applied voltage lower than 80 V shows a good agreement with CCEexp. But when the applied voltage is higher than 80 V, CCEsim is smaller than CCEexp. For 20 Mrad, CCEsim shows a good agreement with CCEexp when the applied voltage is higher than 80 V, but is a bit larger than CCEexp in the case of below 80 V.

5. Conclusion

The Z1/2 defect regarded as two individual defect levels was induced to investigate the degradation of SiC Schottky diode detector. Comparing the calculated CCE with experimental CCE, an acceptable approximation was achieved. It is believed that the Z1/2 defect could be treated as two independent defect levels in TCAD to simplify the simulation. It is feasible to analyze the performance of a detector if Nt and Neff are given in spite of the incidence particle. The effect of other defects and the degradation of mobility should also be investigated if a more precise simulation is required. Based on such a treatment, our further work will focus on the investigation of numerical relationship between Z1/2 defect and carbon vacancy in SiC.[16]

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